Social Levels in the Indus Valley

The social levels in the Indus Valley civilization were: gods and goddesses, priests and scholars, the rajahs and their noblemen, merchants, farmers, landowners, and craftsmen, servers, and workers.
The people would worship “gods and goddesses” seeking to do what they wanted them to do.
The priests and scholars taught the rajahs straight out of the Vedas which was their holy book. They made offerings to the gods so that their prayers would be answered.
The rajahs and noblemen ruled the land under the guidance of the priests. They paid the priests to teach them about their gods and to give them advice.
The merchants, farmers, landowners, and craftsmen were the main populace of the city. They were the people who supplied cities with food and other goods.
The servants and workers were the lowest class of people in the city. They could barely keep them and their families fed; they were the people who had no skills and worked for the higher class farmers.