Examples of Single Celled Organisms

All life consists of cells, which are like small compartments. However, some organisms are made of just one cell. These are called single-celled organisms.
Some examples of single-celled organisms are:
Amoebae, slime mold, algae, and the malaria parasite.
Amoebae are single-celled organisms that do not have a fixed shape. Instead, they use pseudopodia, extending tentacles that allow the amoebae to move, touch things, and grab prey. These organisms live in water and hunt smaller single-celled organisms such as bacteria.
Slime mold is an amoebalike cell that hunt for food in damp habitats. The cells join together and form structures that eventually produce spores.

Algae make food with photosynthesis. There are many types of algae, but some of the most recognizable are seaweed, which are made up of many algae cells and Euglena algae which lose their green color in the dark and then feed like animals.
The malaria parasite is injected into animals and humans alike by mosquitoes. It then multiplies in the bloodstream and causes malaria, which is a dangerous and potentially deadly disease.
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